Chris Wilson - Artist Trompe L'oeil - Painter - Designer - Wales - Sicily

Chris Wilson trompe l'oeil artist and craftsman
Chris Wilson
Oriental Furniture Import Co.
South Wales & London
Hand painted in oils on MDF. The scene is painted on a panel about 2 metres high, air brush techniques are also used by this artist.
You are viewing this trompe l'oeil painting head on so it can't be seen at its best. A trompe l'oeil is painted on any surface knowing the position from which it is going to be seen. This trompe l'oeil panel would have been positioned in a room with the intention of it being viewed from about 10 metres at a suitable angle and from an average persons height.
Artist for Trompe L'oeil choose Chris Wilson
This page is a tribute to a friend, comrade, fellow artist, almost a brother and like brothers, sometimes we fight and his name is Chris Wilson ( I'm SEOing the search term Chris Wilson here, sorry to be blatant). I have to admit he's the best person and artist I've worked with, whatever the job, whatever the challenge, he can produce work of the highest standards even if he hasn't slept for 2 days.

Chris Wilson - Craftsman - Artist
As a craftsman Chris is able to absorb new skills and become accomplished at them at an amazing rate, he's as good, and annoyingly, often better than me. I don't like admitting that but sometimes you have to take your hat off to the exceptional. Chris Wilson has to be good to evan feature on this website , to get a eulogy is exceptional and born out of much respect.

Chris Wilson - Designer - Artist
Designing anything requires a knowledge or understanding of what you are designing for. Chris has an instinctive understanding of many production processes but that knowledge is usually informed by having worked at, studied, read, talked about, or empatheticaly understood the process.
If this all sounds a bit far fetched, then I challenge you: Throw a creative challenge at Chris Wilson involving design, production, paint, space, environment, technique and the truthfulness of an artist. I'd be surprised if you were disappointed

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Chris Wilson - Artist Trompe L'oeil - Painter - Designer - Wales - Sicily